Weekend Highs
- The effin temperature!
- Consuming an entire bottle of $3 White Zinfandel on Friday evening and calling it a night by 9pm
- Sleeping in on Saturday morning
- Riding the train most of the day Saturday to people watch and explore
- Score of a totally cute leopard print top from a consignment stop in Eastern Market for only $2 (You Mad?)
- Goin out with to Love with Phreeeeeeeeezy My Neeeezy!
- Day & Night Outfits For Saturday
- Goin to Mommy's on Sunday for a lovely day of food and laughter

Weekend Lows
- The fact that I missed about 15 phone calls and text messages while in a drunken stupor on Friday night
- Failure @ finding a new thrift shop supposedly located on N. Capital & New York Ave...which I called and googled map to no avail
- The lack of interesting people out and about on Saturday
- I left my effin cam at home when I went out all day Saturday
- Not taking a better picture of my Excellent party outfit for Saturday night
- Stupid homework on Sunday
- RAIN....after I washed my car
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